President's Message

Welcome to IPSPI. We started the journey more than a decade back in 2004.Inspite of challenges, IPSPI has strived forward.
IPSPI is a National Not for Profit Organization- A Society caring for Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases/Disorders – PIDs community registered under Societies Registration Act 1860.We are National Member Organization –NMO of International Patients Organization for Primary Immunodeficiencies-IPOPI(
Our mission and vision is an early diagnosis and treatment of patients affected with PID Nationwide as this can only save lives and prevent permanent organ damage of PID patients.
We wish that none of our PID patients go undiagnosed. Further we wish that the diagnosed patients should get the treatment by our National/State Government as done in other countries of Asia, Europe and USA. Immunoglobulins replacement therapy is the mainstay of the treatment of most forms of PID and being a plasma derivative should be provided by the National Government as in case of Hemophilia, Government is providing treatment of plasma derivatives Factor VII,VIII & IX.
This is the first time in Indian history that PID patients who have been diagnosed in time and on treatment are now adults, leading healthy normal lives and contributing productively to the Society at large.
We invite you to become a member and be a part of a patients group for PID in India.
Register for free. Further for life-time membership contact
Thanks and best wishes,
Rubby Chawla
Founder & President ,IPSPI