How Can You Help?
A donation to the Indian Patients Society for Primary Immunodeficiency- IPSPI will fulfill its mission of medical support in all manner to the children & patients suffering from PID with your support Indian Patients Society for Primary Immunodeficiency aims to enhance the early diagnosis of Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders & improve access to medical research on PID.
Till now in India, we don’t have any Insurance or Government support for the treatment of PID. We wish that everybody should come forward to help with the treatment of children suffering from PID. Most of our children suffer from Bruton’s Agammaglobulinemia & Hypogammaglobulinemia and require regular IVIG replacement therapy every month. By getting regular IVIG these children will live near-normal life and contribute productively to society.
Your donations will give life to PID children & are exempt U/S 80G of I.T Act 1961
To make donations to Indian Patients Society for Primary Immunodeficiency-IPSPI (India)
IPSPI Donors in India can make a direct transfer to our Bank:
HDFC Bank Ltd,
Choudhury Complex, Panposh Road, Rourkela- 769004, Odisha
A/C No.- 3621450000022
All the Donations to IPSPI are exempt U/S 80 G of IT Act 1961 vide order no.IPO (tech) 80G-82A/2009-10/dated13-08-2009 by LN.C.I.T.Bhubaneswar PAN no. AABA16952P